Friday, July 29, 2011

Transformer Generations Darkmount

Sometimes the stock images on the packages look a little photoshopped, so I tried to recreate one with Darkmount. Somehow, I didn't notice that they used a mirror image of the toy until I tried this and couldn't get anything to look right, and then I saw the M17.Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th of July Fireworks

Downtown Orlando, 2011

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What you are here for

If you've been to my house, you've probably seen that I have more than a few Transformers toys. This will definitely be a theme.


I bought this domain a while back because I thought that if I didn't, someone else would. My name belongs to me, not some other guy named Will Goodman. I'll surprise myself if I write much. I mostly plan to post pictures that I take.
